Financial statements are the backbone of a complete financial report. In fact, a financial report is not complete if the three primary financial statements are not included. but a financial report is much more than just those statements. A financial report requires disclosures. This term refers to additional information provided in a financial report. Therefore, any comprehensive and ethical financial report must include not only the primary financial statements, but disclosures as well.
The chief executive of a business (usually the CEO in a publicly held corporation) has the primary responsibility to make sure that the financial statements have been prepared according to generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and the financial report provides adequate disclosures. He or she works with the chief financial officer or controller of the business to make sure that the financial report meets the standard of adequate disclosures.
Some common methods of disclosures include:
--Footnotes that provide information about the basic figures. Nearly all financial statements require footnotes to provide additional information for several of the account balances in the financial statements.
--Supplementary financial schedules and tables that provide more details than can be included in the body of the financial statements.
--Other information may be required if the business is a public corporation subject to federal regulations regarding financial reporting to its stockholders. Other information is voluntary and not strictly required legally or according to GAAP.
Some disclosures are required by various governing boards and agencies. These include:
--The financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) has designated many standards. Its dictate regarding disclosure of the effects of stock options is one such standard.
--The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) mandates disclosure of a broad range of information for publicly held companies.
--International businesses have to abide by disclosure standards adopted by the International Accounting Standards Board.
One of the biggest problems for today’s students is exam nerves. When it comes time to test what they have learned in their classes, exams simply present huge problems. It does not matter how well prepared the student is. After twenty hours of studying, the student could still be nervous about the exam. Exam nerves are a normal thing, though. They begin at an early age, as parents put pressure on students to perform well in school. From that performance pressure was born a wh...
exam nerves, exam stress, hypnosis, self hypnosis, hypnotherapy
Article Body:
One of the biggest problems for today’s students is exam nerves. When it comes time to test what they have learned in their classes, exams simply present huge problems. It does not matter how well prepared the student is. After twenty hours of studying, the student could still be nervous about the exam. Exam nerves are a normal thing, though. They begin at an early age, as parents put pressure on students to perform well in school. From that performance pressure was born a whole generation of students, be they middle school, teenagers, or college aged students who simply do not like exams.
Exam nerves are a huge problem that can manifest itself each and every time an exam happens. The biggest risk associated with exam nerves comes with the added stress that students have to face. Stress can cause a whole laundry list of physical and emotional ailments, so it is important to keep that out of life. Since exam nerves are one of the biggest producers of stress for many people, there needs to be a solution. Problems with exam nerves are deep rooted, though. They have been around for years of the student’s life. Perhaps they started when he or she was a kid and parents put a ton of pressure on them. How does one shake such a well positioned problem? It has a lot to do with a change in thinking.
If students can change the way that they view performance and exams, then the stress of exams will be lifted. If students have confidence in their ability to score well on exams, then they will be happier in their life. After all, the younger years are the best years. Why should you spend them being nervous over an impending exam? You don’t have to. You simply must find a solution that works for you. After practicing hypnotherapy for a few years, I can tell you that hypnotherapy is a good solution for problems like exam nerves.
Hypnosis is not just something you would see on a trip to Las Vegas. It is really a very good solution for exam nerves and a whole host of other issues. I have successfully treated clients who suffer from more serious things like smoking, alcoholism, or gambling addiction. In the end, it all comes down to a change in thinking. With hypnosis, you can achieve that change. Get some information today and get over that nervousness with your exams.
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